
Bis Lamer – Creating Awareness About Marine and Environmental Issues

The Rogers Group wants to promote sustainable tourism as it believes it minimises costs and maximises benefits for the natural environment as well as the local communities. Among the many initiatives Rogers promotes to improve lives and the environment in Mauritius is Bis Lamer – a mobile marine education unit, which is a collaboration with Reef Conservation. Bis Lamer is a classroom on wheels and is equipped with interactive tools, training displays and laboratory equipment. This has been open to the general public and aims to create awareness of marine and environmental issues. By visiting schools and public areas like community centres, shopping malls and beaches, Bis Lamer has sensitised 18,956 students and 7,989 adults on these issues. Moreover, through the Bis Lamber project 52% of Rogers’ staff have received training courses in lagoon ecosystems, on how human behaviour affects the lagoon and actions that can make a difference.

Rogers is also a partner of the Bel Ombre Lagoon Management Plan that sets best practises and rules to improve the lagoon’s health like, stopping water ski in the shallow lagoon, implementing snorkelling trails, sensitisation and training for boat operators and staff and much more.

To use the SUS-ISLAND project terminology, Rogers has created a handprint – and active effort to promote sustainability

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Improving Sustainaible Tourism In Mauritius through Greening the Value Chain of Tour Operators (SUS-ISLAND) is a Switch Africa grand project funded by the European Commission and led by Mauritius Tourism Authority. Its objective is to promote sustainaible tourism in Mauritius by demonstration and scaling up a self-sustaining mechanism for improving  sustainaibility impacts along the value chain improving awareness and market of sustainaible tourism products.
